Ten year old Stacy Allen lives in Four Corners, Indiana with her mother and father, her sweet little baby brother Sam, her beloved cat Benjamin and her incredibly irritating older sister Amanda. With her best friends, bubbly Cindy, bookworm Pippa and the flaky Fern in tow, Stacy finds herself caught up in endless hilarious battles with her thirteen year old “dumb blonde” sister and her appalling pals.
- The Great Sister War
- Pippa’s Problem Page
- My Sister, My Slave
- My Real Best Friend
- Stacy, The Matchmaker
- The New Guy
- Copycat
- Party Time!
- Sneaking Out
- Scary Sleepover
- Sister Switch
- Fern Flips
- Full House
- You Look Great!
- Bad Boy
- The New Stacy
Written as A F Jones