I am still getting regular mail from readers of The Faerie Path series asking for more books after The Charmed Return.
I’d be happy to write more books, but the cold truth at the moment is that the Publishers do not want any more books in this series. There are only two ways that I can think of to get them to change their minds.
The first and best would be for the sales of the existing books to go through the roof! I do what I can to publicise these books, but word of mouth by existing readers is a far more effective way of alerting people to the existence of the books - and of getting them to buy them! If you would like to see more Faerie Path books, and you have a Facebook account, or Twitter, or any other Social Network access, then spread the word. If you know people who run book-review websites, or even if you know of such websites from your browsing online, make contact and tell them about the series. If you have a local library, speak to the librarian and ask if they will buy the books for their shelves. If you have a school library, find out if they would be able to buy copies. If you have friends or family who you think might enjoy the books, tell them about them - maybe even buy a book as a gift?
The other potential way of getting the Publishers Harper Collins to change their mind is to make direct contact with them - they have a Facebook page HarperTeen where you can post comments - perhaps if you write a polite message to them telling them how much you are enjoying the Faerie Path series and would like to see more, that might make a difference - if enough of you do it. If you do decide you’d like to contact the publishers directly, please remember always to be polite to them and to keep your mails short and to the point.
If you have an online account with Amazon or a similar book-selling store, perhaps you could consider writing a review of the books for other people to read?
If you have any other ideas for publicising the series and spreading the word, please post a comment here.
Meanwhile, don’t forget you can chat with other readers of the series on the Fan Forum and in the Fan Club - links on the right hand side of my website Home page. Arya, who runs these sites, has also set up a big Summer Giveaway of books signed by me - so please do check this out if you have the time.
Of course, if I do hear anything from the Publishers - I’ll post it here immediately.
Meanwhile…the ball is in your court!
I’m going to buy all of the books next week!~ I remember reading the first two in 5th grade and it inspired me to read more; I wan’t to continue to reading the next book but my library didn’t have the rest of the series. A little while ago I remember reading The Faerie Path and wanted to read it again and after looking into it I found the series and I can’t wait to read them again!~ I’m going to get the library to upfdate it’s collection of the series since I volunteer there and st the park. I can’t wait!~
does book tour bring publicity to book cause if they do i highly suggest you head to the state and have oone
Mr. Jones, I think you need a Twitter account. That’s where it seems like authors have the most success in getting the word out about their books. The fun thing is you don’t have to be on there just constantly talking about your books. Adding known readers and authors and chatting with them from time to time is the best way to get people’s attention. I’ve bought several books like that. Vlogging is pretty cool and effective too. Check out Jackson Pearce’s vlog on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/JacksonAPearce
I’m doing what I can on this end, but at the moment it kind of feels like beating your head against a brick wall. :/
I just finished the last book that you have out of the fairy path I have read every one of them. I got them on my amazon kindle. I really hope that there will be another because they are really good. I don’t understand why they won’t let you have another book on this series. If they let you publish another I will buy it on my kindle for sure
Dear Mr. Jones
I absolutely love your Faerie Path series. I have all of the books for the series. I really do wish that the publishing company will allow you to create more books for this wonderful series. I would love to see more on the shelf in the stores. I love to imagine the tales of the Faerie Path, and hopefully will be able to imagine again in your next novel.
Mr. Jones,
I would love to leave a comment on one of the editor’s facebook pages, but I don’t have a facebook. Please, please, PLEASE write more books!!! These are my favorite books… ever! I’ve told my friends about them about a million times. Tania has so many more adventures stored up inside her, I can feel it. Please let them be written. Could someone else leave a nice comment on one of the editor’s facebook for me? Thanks!