The news on any possible continuation of the Faerie Path books hasn’t changed yet. I have a meeting lined up for some time in June or July with a colleague who is involved in the UK end of the publication process - after that meeting I should know for sure what is going on with the New York publishers and what my options are for letting you people have some more stuff about Tania and Co.

Meanwhile, I received a mail from a reader who suggested that people might like it if I started writing on Facebook more regularly. My friend Gary Chalk (illustrator and co-writer of The Six Crowns series) is busy tweeting - and I’m thinking of giving daily updates of what’s going on in my world on Facebook. So - here’s a question for you: how many of you are on Facebook, and how many of you would be interested becoming friends with me on Facebook and would follow regular (daily) posts by me on my Facebook page? (I’m on Facebook now as Allan Frewin - if you’d like to take a look).

Speaking of Gary Chalk - he has a brand new online gallery - I’d really like it if you would take a few minutes out to take a look - there are some really great pictures on the site and you can contact Gary directly if you’d like to - he’d love to hear from you! Go to:

Other News. It’s very early days, but Gary and I have put our heads together and come up with a brand new faerie romance idea that we’re thinking of writing together. I know how much you people love Tania and her world(s) - but I think this new idea of ours could be just as good! Out of interest, how many of you would be interested in this new series if it was initially only available as a download for Kindle, iPad etc?

Thanks also for all your great ideas for competitions to win copies of The Enchanted Quest. I’m still sorting through them, but I will definitely have a competition up and running in a few weeks.