For all of you who have been asking me about the sneak-peek chapters of the forthcoming 3rd Warrior Princess book - good news! I have now posted two and a half chapters for you to take a look at. Those who have Warrior Princess 2: Destiny’s Path in hardback will recognise the first chapter from the back of that book, but the rest will be new to you.
You can access the chapters by going to the BOOKS page and then clicking on the appropriate links on the sidebar on the right hand side. Or you can go into the Warrior Princess page, then to The Emerald Flame page and link through from the bottom of that page.
In the next few days I will post some information about the live chat hour I am involved in later this month.
Hi Mr. Allen, Sorry this isn’t on topic, but I just wanted to tell you it’s my birthday soon, and so far it has not been great. I’m having a pretty bad week and birthday. I just wanted to say that I hope your week has been better.
AFJ. Sarah - well that’s not good! Hey, people - how about wishing Sarah a happy birthday and making her week a whole lot better. WHile you’re waiting, Sarah - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! My week has been really busy - Gary Chalk, the illustrator I work with, has been staying here for a few days, and we’re working on new book ideas - plus we went to a thing called Starlit Festival to talk to a bunch of kids about the Sundered Lands series - and that was great fun! But now Claudia has gone to visit her family in Germany and Gary is back in France so it’s just me and the cat for a few days. Very quiet!
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Mr. Allan your cats are quiet? mine never stop talking.
AFJ. Laura - no, Siouxsie is far from quiet! She wakes me up by yelling in my ear at about 4am every morning - demanding breakfast. Then I can go back to bed until about 7am, when she yells at me to get up because it’s time to get to work. Then she yells at me at various times through the day for food. She yells a lot!
That’s funny! My cat meows when he wants to be pet. I tried ignoring him but he just bit my leg. Oh and guess what. My birthday ended up ok in the end. Even though it started out pretty lousy. Thanks for the happy birthdays it really made me feel better.
Sarah, glad you feel better and that everything worked out well.
Mr. Allan at least your cat only yells, my cat when he was a kitten use to bite us on the nose in the middle of the night to get attention. Now he has the tendency to just sit there and stare at us while we sleep, its slightly disturbing. I wounder what he is thinking.
Oh and Sarah the key to stopping your cat from bugging you for to much attention is when he begs pick him up and literally smother him with hugs and kisses (but make sure he can breathe). We use to do that to one of the seven cats I had growing up and we would gain at least a couple more hours of silence.
FUNNY CAT STORYS!!! this is late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! my b day is comming up soon too! its not till next friday though cant wait!! one of my cats will randomly start yelling at nothing he accually sounds like a howling dog, its some what creepy haha i always wonder what he wants but when ever we look at him he just ignors us cats are strange and mysetriouse creatures i would love to get into ones mind just to see how the see thier day to day life. mr. jones, is your cat just indoors or outdoors too?
AFJ. Liz - my cat spends most of her time indoors, but she does like to go and chew some grass in the garden now and then. Mostly she is curled up in how own armchair right next to my desk, occasionally clambering up onto the desk and walking across my keyboard and purring very loudly. Because she’s old, we now have food laid out for her in the living room as well as the kitchen. she thinks that’s great - almost like breakfast in bed!
haha i love hearing how people spoil their pets i think its sweet!! you cat sounds like she has a lot of persanality in her if she could talk i have a feeling yall would have some very interesting conversations!
AFJ. Liz - I’m suspicious that it would mostly be “More treats, please!” and “More luxurious cushions, please.” and “Stroke me, please.” Although I’m not entirely sure she’d learn “please”. She didn’t wake me up till half past four this morning - I got quite the lie in!
Is your warrior princess books good because I have not read them? My cat also yelles for food every hour which is okay but if she eats all the food then their is not enough for my other cat named Chloe.
Wow now i wish i had a cat too
thanks by the for the chapters they will have to do until i get the book
AFJ. B.L.H. The Warrior Princess books are very good, in my opinion. But then I wrote them, so you would expect me to think that.
I once had a cat who could hear the click of a fridge door from every area of the house. He ate everything, even Cheetos. And he would strut around on the tabletop if we weren’t careful.
The Warrior Princess books are not just good, they are AMAZING~!
Yeah they are one of the best books i have ever read and so are the faerie path series.
i highly recomend the series!!!! couldnt put the first book down after i got it
nice article, keep the posts coming
Hey, I can’t view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.
AFJ. I’m going to ask my website builder to look into the Opera problem, thanks for letting me know!
AFJ. aparadekto - I have contacted my website builder, She tells me that the site is working fine with Opera versions 8, 9 and 10 so far as she can tell, but there might be problems with older versions. Can you be more specific about what the problem is and which Opera version you have?
I love your books my friend thought the person ont he front of the book look like some one . cant wiat to read the rest of your books!!!:)
I know this might sound close to your books but i am creating my own books and it is Destiny’s Spirit or the Destiny Path which one??
AFJ. Marissa - Destiny’s Path is a bit close - so I’d go for Destiny’s Spirit, if I were you!