Those of you who have been paying particular attention may know that for the past two and a half months, I have been scribbling…well, typing…away at Warrior Princess Four. Well, last Friday I wrote “The End” at the end and sent it off to my UK editors with a sigh of relief.
Those of you who pay even closer attention will also know that this is far from “The End” in real life! This is what’s called the “first draft” of the book. It is now going to be read by two colleagues of mine - a really smart guy called James, with whom I occasionally go out for an evening of wine and conversation, and a rather charming woman named Clare, who actually lives in New York and who I have only spoken to via the phone - on conference calls, which are a bit odd, if you have never done such a thing.
They are now going to read the book and come back to me in a few weeks time with their thoughts, suggestions and comments about how it could be improved. (For anyone reading this, who doesn’t already know, this is all fine and perfectly normal. Every book ever published in the whole world always goes through this editing process).
I will then take a look at their suggestions, change the things where I agree with them, and write back with things I don’t think want changing, explaining why. One of the good things about this process is that it makes me think about why I have written certain things - are they really as good as they could be? Have I really explained things properly? Do I need that scene at all? Could I make this piece of action a bit more swift and involving? Etc etc.
Then, I will send the “new improved” typescript (now called the “2nd draft”) off to them, and they will forward it to the American Publishers in New York - who will also read it and make sugestions etc, before sending it back to me again. I will do the same lot of things again to try and fit in with what the American Publishers think the American readers would want - then it gets sent back. Providing everyone is happy, the book will then go off to be copy edited - meaning the grammar and punctuation etc will be checked. Once that has been read and approved by everyone - the book goes to typesetting and printing. Phew! Oh, and somewhere along the route, it will get a title!
Anyway - despite the problems with the Icelandic Volcano and the clouds of volcanic ash floating over Europe, my friend and collaborator Gary Chalk is coming over from France to visit tomorrow for a few days. We’re going to be working on the Sundered Lands website, so that should be fun.
Oh - and if you haven’t already done so - check out the new Fan Forum on - it looks really good and lots of fans are already getting involved with it.
Well, that’s about it for now. The garden is beginning to look good, what with the spring and everything. We got out all the solar lights over the weekend and now every evening the garden is full of twinkling lights! Ahh! Cute! Claudia is off to Germany in a week or so to visit her folks over there, and I’ve promised to decorate the living room while she’s gone. Then I have to clean the decking and the patio - and by then, Warrior Princess should be back for me to get busy with. A writer’s work is never done! Bye for now.
first one!!! you and claudias love is so strong =D i could tell. and happy early b-day allan
AFJ. Thank you Daniela - I’m thinking that maybe this might be a good time to post an updated photo of myself - hopefully not looking too aged and crumbling - but a bit grayer here and there! Hmmm…or should I keep the illusion of youth…? Hmmm…
You could put like a high school pic of you….. or maybe not….its ur birthday??…HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep the illusion of youth! but i kinda wanna c how you look like…..
im quite positive you do NOT UNDER ANY SERCOMSTANCES look old!!! your young at heart and that has to apper on the outside too and happy b day hope ya have a good one!!
oh i also wanted to ask about the volcano, is it effecting any where in england??? i mean like doing any damage? can you see it from London? i know its been in the news but i feel you can never trust the media… and also i never watch the news im always too busy reading haha
no his b day is in april 30
AFJ. Liz - no, I can’t see any of the effects of the volcano from here - but it’s causing plenty of chaos for people wanting to fly! (In airplanes, I mean - those with wings should be fine…) Today Gary and I are going to the seaside town of Brighton to see a guy about setting up a new website - and he only got back home last night after a six day delay in Spain. But he told me it was fine - he just lay on the beach for six extra days of holiday! Lots of people were not so lucky, and had to spend huge amounts of money trying to get home - and the French port of Calais - which is closest to England, was flooded with stranded people waiting for ferries. Also, a British battleship was used to take some people home. The airplanes have started flying again now, but it’s taking time for everything to be sorted out. Claudia (my wife) runs a catering company, and lots of her fruit and vegetable stuff comes from abroad on airplanes, so she’s had some serious shortages of goods - which is still going on. Basically, it’s been very inconvenient for people - but sometimes the UK media is treating it like the Sorcerer King has invaded and the world is coming to an end - which is a bit OTT!
haha media will sometimes over react….
AHHHHHHH SORCERER KING ATTACK! ya i ordered something on e-bay it was i think from where the volcanoe is at. so ya its delayed =-( WERE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If i die i blame u!!!!!!!!!!
YESTERDAY i played with my orchestra(orchestra is WAY better then band!!) at the denton arts and jazz fest( look it up its awesome!).
I ALSO submitted a story about my grandpa ( who passed away a couple days ago ) to a contest called denton writes 2010(look it up). I did really bad…
Hey everyone!! Sorry I haven’t been on much lately. I’ve been swamped with school work, house work, blog work and some Faerie Path Top Secret work(*wink wink*).
So anyway, its my first blogoversary next month and I’m doing this SUPER AWESOME giveaway on my blog in honor of it. I recieved a copy of The Enchanted Quest with a signed book plate in it from HarperTeen the other day for helping with their 28 Days promotion, and I’m passing it on to you guys.
If you would like to enter for a chance to win this *SIGNED* hardback copy of The Enchanted Quest, you can click this link:
Best of luck, guys!
Oh, and don’t work to hard Mr. Jones! =)hehe Glad to hear about the Warrior Princess 4! I’m dying for the third one to release!!
have faith in yourself. and im sorry to hear that. my great-grandpa died a very sad and painful way.
aimee, dont diss band! i will let my band teacher lose on you and trust me you DONT want to be on her bad side
Hey, Band is WWWWWWAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY better than orchestra. For one, it’s a lot harder to squeek an instrument in band. Second, our Band Instructor is the ABSOLUTE BBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i play the violin and harp =) man but its hard. hmmm which is better allan band or orchestra and dont say both are special in their own unique way
AFJ. Uhhh…Daniela…the problem I have in saying anything at all about band versus orchestra is I don’t actually know what either of them are. In England, an orchestra is a big bunch of musicians, usually playing classical music - a band is a smaller bunch of musicians who play anything from Chamber Music to punk rock and jazz and country&western etc etc. So, if you want me to weigh in, someone is going to have to explain what the difference is in America between band and orchestra.
ohhhhhh =) i get it =) i like mariachi because well im mexican =D actually im in mariachi. i play the violin. =D i had no idea america and england were so diferent =( do you play any instriments allan? i would like to play one of the faerie instriments =D
AFJ. I do enjoy music, and I do dabble a little with a few musical instruments - but I really don’t play anything very well…I’m really bad at practicing! I play the flute and clarinet and some keyboards. I just bought myself a Hammond organ on-line! - as a birthday present to myself. ;-). I also have quite a few drums
of different types - bongos, and a dhol and a darabuka and djembi, as well as an electric cello and a gimbri and a theramin and a musical saw and various recorders and other stringed instruments, oh and an accordion and a harmonium…and a few other bits and pieces. I love making noises with them, but I’m really not a very good musician, to be honest.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALAN IS THE GREATEST PERSON EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE’S AN INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday Allen. I remembered as you have the same date as my son. Regards Brigitte.
AFJ. Well, how very delightful! Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! Very much appreciated.
Sorry this is a bit late. Happy birthday, Mr. Jones!!
By the way, I looked up Tania’s name on a website called Wolfram Alpha, and it turns out that the most common age for the name Tania in the U.S. is seventeen. Just thought that was a little fun fact!
AFJ. Thanks Celine! 17, huh? Spooky! Did the name Gabriel get a look-in at all? Or any of the other princesses?
Band is trumpets, french horns, and drums ( BORING!!!)
ORCHESTRA ( the better one! ) is violins( i play violin ), violas, cellos, basses and pianos ( i play this too )
AFJ. Ohhh…kayyyy….um…the thing is, all the orchestras I’ve ever been to see have violas, violins, basses and pianos, as well as trumpets and french horns and drums - so why the split? I don’t get it. Is it the kind of music they play, or what?
ok band can play all sorts of different music its not really one perticular type its just the instriments though both band and orchestra are fairly big if they are good in band there is generly wood winds brass and percution in orchestra there is more of the intraments that are strings like violens gutiars harps ext. however in some school bands there can be a mix of both (like at the school im switching to next year) also bands can march. i play clarinet myself buy im better at piano and i think the reason it is split is because winds and strings are so different. and also because the band teacher would go crazy trying to teach that much music. i think that is only in school bands and orchestas though because i know the Virgina Orchestra has all sorts of different types of intraments but the majority are strings….
the mixed 1 is called SINFONIC ORCHESTRA! they rock! (not really rock music but they r awesome!)
cant we all agree band and orchestra are both cool in their own unique way??? (and mariachi)=D
The most common age for Gabriel in the United States is 2, Zara is 3, Cordelia is 73, Eden is 2, they didn’t have a page for Rathina or Sancha, Hopie is 10, Edric is 40, Anita is 53, Evan is 3, Connor is 6, and I also couldn’t find anything on Titania or Oberon. That’s weird, seeing as Tania’s name is really the only one that came close to the age in your books, Mr. Jones.
Citation of information: Wolfram Alpha
AFJ. I’m with Daniela in this - I love pretty much all kinds of music - depending on my mood. I have a collection of over two thousand music CDs as well as several dozen DVDs of concerts and operas and shows. I enjoy classical music sometimes - Beethoven and Mahler in particular - and I like Opera - Richard Wagner especially (full of magic and dragons and giants and gods and stuff!) - and I also like rock music and pop and folk and country and jazz and blues and musicals and world music - especially stuff from Africa and Italy. Pretty much all music is wonderful in its own way, and even the formulaic stuff that is churned out by the big record companies has some merit sometimes - and the singers can usually really sing, even if I don’t much like what they are singing. Everything else is simply down to individual taste and preference - and wouldn’t the world be boring without that?
AFJ. Celine - wow, that’s intriguing. A whole lot of Gabriel toddlers out there, huh? Hmmm. And Cordelia is 73?? I wonder how that name came in and out of fashion. I’m quite surprised there are Hopies out there - I thought that was made up! But it is odd that only Tania fits the right age-profile.
Aimee, Orchestra doesn’t March, or have a Colorguard, or Twirlers.
Or a really annoying drumline for that matter.
haha my cousins name is sancha and shes arould 23….. yup 23. i didnt think there were hopies out there either! wow thats soo cool =D and my cousins name i gabriel he’s 3 i think haha so cool
AFJ. Oh, wow! Even more confused now. What are Colorgards and Twirlers, Addie? And surely if there are lots of people in Band, they must like the drumlines?
Sancha at 23? That’s not far off, Daniela. Let’s just hope there are no Aldritches. Now that would be freaky.
Thanks! (Sorry it’s late (again), it wouldn’t go through the first time.)
Mr. Jones, Colorguard is what I’m in, we SPIN flags, rifles, and sabres. Twirlers TWIRL batons. And, you have NOT met our drumline, or our drummers for that matter. If you walked into our bandroom, you would walk right out because of them. They are really LOUD, OBNOXIOUS, and have ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT FOR COLORGUARD WHEN WE HAVE TO GET UP AT FOUR A.M. TO PERFORM IN WILDWOOD, NEW JERSEY. Not our drummers, our drummers didn’t go to wildwood. It was the other dang drummers in wildwood who even after they performed at finals, they just keep on going, even though my mom had to ask them to stop about 5 times, and the last time when they finally stopped, she had accidentally locked herself out of the LuFran Motel where we were staying. UGHHHHHH!
how old are the fearie princesses in teenage years or adult years? tania is 16 and rathins is like 17 or 18 right? how ’bout the rest of them?
Addie- i deffinently agree on the fact that drummers are loud and annoying! in our band i have almost gone deaf because of them! base drums being hit really loudly gongs, like 4 snars going at once time and all of these other stuff too oh and tempinies! lol it gets really annoying then there is our “back row” it consists of trumbones, baraton, and 1 tenner sax, now they are almost just as bad as percution i never knew a baraton could get so loud until i joined band….they sax is pretty loud to but he just does it because he knows it annoys me (hes my best friend) but the point is, loudness builds upon more loudness! haha
i always wanted to be a twirler =D sounds so cool
addie-oh colorguard? that sounds awsome =D wow so the others arent very nice are they? thats sad =( but im sure you an amazing colorguard =D best of luck ,Daniela’
If we were amazing, then we wouldn’t still be stuck in stinking Novice guard. We were supposed to move up to Intermediate, because we did really well in Finals, but our score dropped because one of the judges was being a … well you know what i mean. But, i swear if we’re stuck in Novice next year, I am going to Scream.
addie- judges are super stricked! im in karate and if you want to advance to next belt the judges have to approve you. ive been practicing my ‘katas’ like crazy and when i went to preform they gave me a very bad score for not being more flexible! CHA!!!! THX TO THEM IM STILL IN BEGINNER!
allan- i got a new cat =D its a baby so cute
AFJ. New cat! Excellent! What’s it called?
allan-mimi. ay but since its teething it bites my fingers and then she licks my fingers =/ shes gray. i got my mom a cat for mother’s day, she named it ryan. but right now idk where it is cuz its super tiny!’
allan- what kind of sports did u play as a kid?
i love cats exspecially kittens
i have 3 Maddy Coco and Bennie
AFJ. Daniela - I did my very best to avoid playing any sports - and I still do. I always preferred being alone in my bedroom writing stories, reading and listening to music. Not a sporty type at all, although I did join in enthusiastically with a game at school we called squareball - basically, there was an alley down the side of our school, and two “teams” would congregate either end of this alley (it didn’t matter in what numbers) - then a piece of wood about the size of a house brick was put on the ground in the middle of the alley and the two teams would rush headlong at one another - and the winners were the first ones to get the block of wood to the other end of the alley - it was kind of a battle rather than a sport, but I rather enjoyed it.
AFJ. A few years back I had a cat called Paws-pause-pores-pours-mitten-quasimodo-traction-engine-of-camberwell-limited. We called him Paws for short. Siouxsie Sioux was also known as The Spewpuss because she used to throw up a lot - or “Spewp” for short - which some people thought was disgusting, but we thought was funny. We just call her Siouxsie now, or “SUSAN!!” when she’s being bad. Our other cat (RIP) Merle Oberon, was also known as Merlie or Squirlie or The Squirl. Other cats I have had include William - who went to live with our dentist when my folks bought a dog (He went missing, and the next time one of us had to visit the dentist - he was curled up on a chair in the waiting room!). Also Pola Negri - who was named after a silent movie star. We like having cats about the house. We’ve just ordered a new office chair for me to work at - but we’re gong to keep the old one for Siouxsie to lie on - which she does as often as I let her already - so the cat will now have her own office chair. I’ll let you know if she starts using the computer.