Hello there - I just realized I haven’t put a new post up for a while! Quite a lot has been going on, though, and I’ve been kept pretty busy.
Here in the the south east of the UK we had our first snow of the winter yesterday - up to four or six inches around London, but there was only a thin coating where I live. I’m a big fan of snow - but then I get to work from home, so I don’t need to go out in it, except to go down to the bottom of the garden with a kettle to un-freeze the water in the bird baths and keep the wildbird food topped up.
My wife Claudia has to go out in the bad weather, poor thing! But it’s only a fifteen minute drive for her to work, so it’s not so very bad - and today she brought home our Christmas tree. I’ve just set it up by my desk, and I’m going to let it settle for a while before we start to decorate it. Because Claudia is German, we tend to decorate German-style - which means all white and silver with just a touch of red here and there. The lights are white and the hanging balls and bells and stars are silvery, plus we drape lameter over the tree. We inherited the hanging balls from Claudia’s parents - they are very delicate and made of very thin glassy stuff - so we have to be careful with them. Fortunately, Siouxsie the cat doesn’t find them interesting, or there would definitely be trouble.
Anyway, my chief purpose in writing this post is to let you know the results of that story writing competition that Marisa set up on the fan site a few months back. I have now had the chance to read through all the entires.
I’ll tell you guys one thing - every one who entered could make a living from writing if they wanted, I’m totally sure of that. I enjoyed every single one, and it was really hard to come up with a winner.
I was especially excited to read the ones that dealt with other aspects of the world of Faerie - like “Before Anita”, where Liz explained really well what it must have been like for Princess Tania when she first stepped into the Mortal World and got sick. And “Her Little Doll” by Laurelei was a great idea - seeing the attack of the Sorcerer King from the perspective of someone else in Faerie. I really liked that one a lot. And Kayla’s story of how childhood wings faded with first love was great - it’s such fun for me to see you guys taking part of the world of Faerie and adding stuff to it.
Christina’s Moon Spirit worked really really well, I thought - the idea of a love found but almost immediately lost was very intense. Oh, and I adored Reese’s idea of the elf who could make a carnation out of snow. That is a very Faerie idea indeed! I want to make a special mention of Kayla’s The Pigs On The Furniture story. I thought that was fantastic - totally weird but funny and engaging and a lot of fun. Come up with more stuff like that, Kayla, and you’re set for life!
But in the end - and it took a while, I can tell you - the story that really worked best for me was the one by Arya - the story of Ikos the Selkie. I know there are lots of stories out there of people saved by merfolk and suchlike, but somehow this story just rang really true to me - and also left a lot of questions unanswered, which is what a good short story ought to do, in my opinion. How had Elizabeth’s parents drowned? What kind of world is this story set in? Will Elizabeth survive her leap of faith? What is the underwater kingdom like? Do selkies always hear the thoughts of people about to drown, or was there a special bond between Ikos and Elizabeth? I really like thinking through questions like that after I’ve read a story. It leaves me wanting to know more.
So, well done Arya - all you now need to do is to go the the Contact Page and send me a message with your full address on it, and with the name you’d like the book dedicated to when I sign it. Then you’ll need to be patient with me for about 6 weeks, I think. I’m expecting to receive my copies of The Enchanted Realm a week or so before publication - 1st Feb next year - and I’ll sign and send your copy off as soon as I get it.
I do have more news - but I think I’ll save that for later…it’s nothing mind-blowing - just some updates on what’s going on work-wise for me. So, for now, congratulations to Arya - and I guess its maybe time for me and Marisa to come up with another competition. Anyone out there got any ideas?
In Germany is many many snow its also not so easy to go to work or school but its so beautiful
I have a idea for a new Contest what is withe zara how can she come back ? also a write contest or a fan video contest.
many greatulation for the winner Arya
^^ it give so many things for a contest
yesterday i have get the 1the book from faerie path in englisch an i notice in the englisch version it give a map in the book, in the german version it isn´t so ^^ but the cover ist amazing i think better then the german one
many greatings from germany
Good job Arya, your story was EXCELLENT!!!! !excellente! espanol
I loved this contest! I remember reading Arya’s story and found it extremely interesting. It was a wonderful idea and very well done. It definately deserved to win. And thank you for the kind words on my story, Mr. Jones.
AFJ. This is just a quick note to you all to let you know that I’m having a bit of trouble accessing your comments at the moment - so please don’t be dismayed if it takes a while longer before your posts appear on the site. I’m on it!
congrats Arya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your story was wonderful! thankyou for the compliment mr.jones and please dont think by asking this that i think i shold have won because Arya deserved it but i would love it if you could give me some critisium im not the best writer and i cant get any of my teachers to tell me what im doning wrong when i write stories for a grade and get a B when it is returned.
I think that a good idea for another compition could mabey be another question. you could come up with a really detailed question that is deep in one of the books and then we could send in an answer and the best answer could win something of your choice personaly i would love it if you did something with another signing! the only poblem with that is it might not be fair to Arya because thats what she won so im stumped on what would be the prize mabey just the satifaction of winning
Hey Tina you’re German aren’t you? I am German and lived there for more than three years! woltest du mich einmal e-mailen? sages es mier bitte in Deutch! Sorry my German isn’t that good anymore!
AFJ. Hey, Liz - how about you send me a note via the Contact page, then I’ll reply to you presonally and give you my thoughts about your writing.
And Amy - my wife Claudia is German - she comes from Essen. So if any German or Austrian fans out there feel more comfortable writing in German, please do so - Claudia will translate for me, and you will even get a reply in German!
I have had a thought, you know. Lots of people were really upset when Zara died (and in case any of you were hoping, like Tina, that she might come back to Faerie - sorry, that’s not going to happen). I was wondering this: if in a future story it was necessary for some reason for another of the main characters to die - who would you guys choose? Now, this isn’t a chance for you to get rid of someone you don’t like, so no nominating Lord Aldritch! It would have to be one of the main characters, and they would have to die for a really big reason. So - over to you - who dies - and why?
i think it should be rathina. AND NOT BECAUSE OF ALL THE BAD STUFF SHE DID she is acually my favorite charetore but she seems like she would be the kind of person who would offer her life to save many other and i think that when tiana has to give something up in order to save the people of faerie that she would have to choose someone she loves dearly to go in a battle against a horriable creatchure and weather or not they live if they do the battle then all of faerie would benifit so then because rathina was already there she would say that she was going to do it and die in the prosses…its not that good but just my thoughts
@Amy - Ja ich komme aus Deutschland
oh wirklich und bist du dan weg gezogen ? uiii das weiß ich leider nicht mehr aber das kann gut möglich sein das ich mal versucht habe dir eine mail zu schicken aber ich bin mir leider nicht mehr so ganz sicher
Its the same problem by me my english isn´t taht good anymore ^^ in der schule hatten wir immer viel englisch und waren sogar 1 woche in london bei gasteltern und ich habe wirklich so viel verstanden und reden können doch nun alles vergessen XD aber ich frische das gerade alles wieder auf
ganz liebe grüße an alle
many greetings to all, Tina
umm, this is a really hard choice. Might i go with no characters die?
If a character had to die, maybe it could be Edric. Because the poem for “Enchanted Quest” reads “A life to lose for true love’s sake”, I have the awful suspicion that it WILL be Edric. Maybe, after upsetting the others with one too many displays of the Dark Arts, he will redeem himself by dying to save Tania. Then Connor would pick up the pieces and comfort her.
If that happened, I would probably cry buckets - I really like Edric and I don’t blame him for being drawn to dark magic after five hundred years of being Gabriel’s servant. But this sort of ending is a distinct possibility … let’s just hope it doesn’t happen!
Maybe Tania can sacrifice herself!
You know and tell about her adventures being dead, but she could have a minimum amount of time to get out with Zara!
But, that will never happen because the main character NEVER dies.
EDRIC CAN NOT ABSOLUTLY CAN NOT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i would cry for DAYS! he is my absolute favorite charitore that a guy!!!!!!!!!!!! im scared now!
i know i spelled cherictor wrong….
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me!! =) This is just something I through together after a trip to the beach. I love it so much at night, and Selkies are a favorite of mine.
Thanks again!
You all did a wonderful job I can’t believe I won! I loved Reeses idea too. Totally awesome =D
OMG, Regina! I was thinking the same thing! That would be completely horrible. I always hate it when there’s a perfect happy ending to a series but that would be like when Kartik died in The Sweet Far Thing, I would be crying for hours!
congrats arya. i loved all the stories, especially because im in love with fantasy. liz did a really nice job with before tania. i loved everything and im glad i had this contest. by the way, i think that rathina should die, because maybe she could get sick.
Mr. Jones, Why haven’t Connor, Rathina, or Tania gotten sick yet? Is it because Connor’s a mortal, and Tania and Rathina have spent a lot of time in the mortal world? Perhaps?
I’m just pulling this from nowhere, but since Oberon has been protecting a lot of people with the Gildensleep, maybe he could get sick because of a really weak immune system. Everybody knows that from not getting very much sleep, your immune system grows weaker. He might die and Titania would weep and stuff and then she might ask Eden to take over for a while. I would hate that but, everybody was saying Rathina, or Edric, or one of her sisters. What about her father. I would really hate if any of them died, but hey, that’s life. “Don’t be afraid of death, Winnie. Be afraid of the unlived life.” -Angus Tuck (Tuck Everlasting…One of my favorite books/movies) I love the Movie with Alexis Bledel and Jonathon Jackson.
Or when Ian Wyndham died in “If Only”! The movie with Jennifer Love Hewitt! Did I Mention I LOVE HER!!!!! She is an amazing actress. I LOVE GHOST WHISPERER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AFJ. Addie - I think you’re partially correct - the faerie folk are going down bad with the sickness because they have no kind of immunity to disease of any kind - although, saying that, plenty of folk don’t get sick - Hopie, Sancha, Oberon and Titania etc. But Tania and Connor would certainly have a higher tolerance of the sickness because of being mortal or part-mortal - and I think Rathina is just lucky…so far…
well I hope no main chracters die, especially Cordelia, though she’s already sick. Poor Bryn would be completly heartbroken!
Mr.Jones can you give use a hint of an update on Cordelia and the others???:)
And is it just coincidence the plague started on their wedding or something else?
AFJ. I can tell you that Cordelia doesn’t die in book five, if that helps. And, yes, it was a coincidence that the plague hit on their wedding day.
now that we are talking about the weddings…..IT IS JUST KILLING ME THAT TANIA SAID NO TO EDRIC!!!!!!!!!!! i mean i know that that doesnt ususally happen in the mortal world but STILL! if she really loves him them why didnt she say yes?!?!?!? when i read the exsert in book 3 i just about screamed and then my spirits were crushed i know that it was prob just to make the stoy that more intensing and interesting but what was her motive other than too young?????
oh and Marisa thanks for the kind words it had a lot of gliches but i enjoyed writing Before Anita and i think that is all that counts
Great job Arya…… i really loved the story!!!!
Umm…. i think nobody shd really die….especially NOT EDRIC!
Cornelia may be sick, but for some queer reason i felt that SHE would not be the one to die…
I guess , we just gotta wait and see cause and guess all we can till its time to find out!
ug im dieng to read this book!!!!!! hahaha
Ok, so if you have to make someone else die, I would suggest none of the sisters, only because of Zara already having died (which by the way just about tore me apart me because she was my favorite, lol) for sure not Edric, but I think it should be the king or the queen. The sisters, and the spouse would be devastated, of course, but I think its a good twist, perhaps.
For a contest idea, idk what you did before, but maybe we could come up with a new character (just for fun of course) and how they go along with the books. Just a random idea I had. GL with the books
P.S. I am working on being an author too, and you have inspired me to write more and better. Thanks
AFJ. Shalom: nice to hear you want to write! Also like your ideas about who might die, and your idea for a new character.
wow that is a good idea Shalom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
30 December 2009 at 23:27
Go up and read 30 December 2009 at 23:27
The time next to the name and the up and down |.
For example liz | 17 January 2010 at 16:55
im cluless sometimes
ROFL I didn’t see that before! Lol.
Oh, Im Shalom btw, bc I couldnt decide between which fake name to use.